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There are many causes of fluid leaks in your transmissions. Paying attention to the condition of your transmission will help you greatly. It is best to try to detect these problems early so you can save as much money on repairs as possible. Go to a mechanic if you are not really sure if there are any problems or not. But these are just a few of the major causes of fluid leak in your transmission.


Securing certain areas

When you are changing your filter, make sure that the bolts are properly tightened. Also, when changing or flushing your transmission fluid, keep an eye on your drain plugs. If not secured properly, they can also leak. Make sure to keep a close eye on both of these. They can easily be fixed but cause a lot of damage if they go unfixed.


Sealing the gasket

The surface of your transmission’s pan gasket could be compromised. If it is unable to seal properly, then fluid could potentially leak out. If the gasket is also cracked, there can be leaking too. This, luckily for you, is an inexpensive repair and can be done quickly.


The Bell Housing

A badly paved road could be hazardous to your transmission. This may cause severe damage to your bell housing if it is struck by any rocks. Your car will break down by a large amount of loss of transmission fluid. So be on the lookout for this.


Fluid lines

Debris on the road can also be harmful to your transmission’s fluid lines. Usually, they are made out of either steel or aluminum. But where there are cracks, there is concern. This will definitely cause a fluid leak.


The Torque pump

This is a hydraulic pump that allows for there to be pressure within the transmission. It sends the fluid throughout the entire system. Cracks on the body can most certainly cause a leak. When this happens, it can be hard to diagnose at first. This type of leak would be very expensive to repair.


Wear and Tear

Wear and tear in any of these areas is always a cause for concern. Make sure you are cautious when you are driving to make sure there is not sufficient damage caused to your transmission. Be cautious of the road and any other heavy object that could be the source of damage.


Checking the leak

You of course have to make sure that the leaking is actually the transmission fluid. Dip your finger where the location of the leak is and check for the color and consistency. It should be red or a darkish brown color depending on how it’s aged and it should be thinner than motor oil. The leak should be coming from the middle or front of the car.


These are some of the main causes of fluid leak in your transmission. Keeping a watchful eye will help you in the long run. Watch for cracks, punctures, and anything else out of the ordinary.