With a piece of your engine as complicated and extensive as your transmission, you definitely do not want to have just anyone take charge of your car transmission repair. For all the money that you will pay to have this vital part of your engine repaired, you want a top-notch job, but how can you find someone qualified to do so? Keep reading for a list of some great ideas to consider when searching for transmission repair charlotte NC.
Find a Trusted Source through Word of Mouth
One great way to find a reliable shop is through the spoken word. As automobiles are such a central part of our modern lives, the chances of having a friend, relative, or other associate who has had transmission troubles is actually relatively high. You can ask around for recommendations of whom to go to, or warnings about whom to avoid. With this tactic, you will get the honest opinions of people you trust.
Search Online for Local Shops and Reviews
Another option for finding a good place for transmission repair charlotte NC is in searching online. A simple Google search will lead you to the nearest repair shops, and will lead you toward sites that specialize in reviews. On these websites, you can see positive or negative reviews, along with customer stories, which will give you a good idea of which repair shops you can trust, and which to avoid. The stories, particularly, will let you know if a shop is prone to hustling you for more money, or if they are sincere and honest.
Ask around the Local Mechanic Shops
Another good resource is to ask around at different mechanic shops. By visiting them, or, alternatively, calling each one, you can ask if they offer car transmission repair. If they do, you can ask about their rates, or recommendations. If they do not, then they may be able to refer you to a specialist who does, and whom they recommend. Do not commit to anything right away, but wait until you have consulted several mechanics about the job, as you will be able to pick which the one with which you felt the most comfortable.
Verify Certifications and Licenses
Another thing to ask about, or to look for if you go in person, is whether the mechanics have been certified to perform a car transmission repair. If the shop is of good repute, then they will be willing to show you their ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certifications, as well as any other qualifying certifications they have for working with transmissions. If they do not agree to show you certificates, then you should not trust them with either your car or your money, and should simply walk out the door.
When it comes to finding a good mechanic to perform transmission repair charlotte NC, as with all things, be very careful. Use your good judgment, and do your research before committing to anything. After all, it is your car, and your money involved, and you deserve only the best.