A defective transmission can sum up a lot of money and time if the problem is not caught in time.
The last thing you want to find out from your mechanic is that your Toyota Camry’s transmission
needs to be replaced. This can end up costing you thousands of dollars. Instead, you can ward off
having to replace your transmission by catching problems early. This means identifying sounds,
smells, and leaks when they first happen. Even if you don’t know much about transmissions, you can
still determine if your vehicle needs work or not. In an effort ot help you identify problems early, here
are a few ways to troubleshoot some of the transmission problems you are encountering.
Check for Leaks
From time to time, you should check underneath your Toyota Camry to ensure there is no fluid
leaking. Many times, you will see water or something that may be coming out, but if the fluid is
darker, this can be a much bigger issue. Transmission fluid usually has a reddish tint. When it gets
combined with dirt and debris, it can be a darker brown color. If you have transmission fluid leaking
from your vehicle, you should check the level to see how low it is. Make sure to wait until the vehicle
has cooled before you start messing under the hood. If the transmission fluid is a little low, then you
want to take it to your local mechanic. If the transmission fluid is very low, you want to have it towed.
Driving the Camry with no or very little transmission fluid can damage your transmission.
Check for Slipping
You don’t always need to see your transmission fluid leaking to know there is a problem with the
vehicle. Transmission slipping can be a common problem for many transmissions. When you try to
accelerate and you feel that the vehicle is not reving up, this can be a sign that your transmission is
slipping. When you struggle to get your vehicle to accelerate, this is easily a sign that your
transmission is slipping. There are numerous reasons why you are encountering the slippage. This
could be due to worn gears, burnt clutch discs, and even defective solenoids. The best way to
combat this problem is to take your Toyota Camry to a transmission specialist.
Burning Transmission Fluid
Unlike oil, transmission fluid should not burn off the longer you run your vehicle. When your
transmission level starts to lower, this can be a sign you have a leak. Often, you may not notice the
fluid leaking under your vehicle, but instead you smell that fluid burning off. Transmission fluid has a
sweet smell. This is more distinctive than other types of fluid. If you do start to smell it burning, you
should have an expert look at it.