Transmission problems can be some of the most expensive repairs on your Dodge Durango. When
you begin to notice that your transmission is having issues, it may often be too late. Once your
transmission has neared the end of its life, you have two options. You can buy a brand new
transmission or you can purchase a refurbished one. The price of a new transmission can induce
sticker shock when you find out what it runs. Because of this, many drivers will opt to go the cheaper
route and focus on a refurbished transmission. There are many advantages to purchasing a
refurbished transmission over a brand new one. Here are some of the reasons it could be a good
investment for your Dodge Durango.
Cost Efficient
Refurbished transmissions are almost identical to new transmissions. A refurbished transmission is a
used transmission that has been completely taken apart and inspected. Often manufacturers will
take the transmission apart and replace any internal components with brand new ones. Ultimately,
you are getting a whole new transmission just at a reduced rate. While a new transmission can costs
a few thousand dollars at the end of the day, you can often save up to half of this cost by purchasing
a refurbished one. The best part is that you are not skimping on quality when you opt for the
refurbished version.
Environmentally Friendly
Another great advantage to purchasing a refurbished transmission over a new one is that it can be
better for the environment. A refurbished transmission does not require nearly the amount of
resources to build than a new one does. Manufacturers are able to save both energy resources and
natural resources in order to build the component. Additionally, a refurbished transmission will not
emit as many carbon emissions as a new transmission would. This can be a significant impact on
the environment as more and more drivers opt for a refurbished version.
More Reliable
Another reason buying a refurbished transmission for your Dodge Durango is a good investment is
because it is very reliable. Most refurbished transmissions come with a warranty so you can have it
replaced at no additional cost if something happens to it. This warranty helps provide confidence that
you are not buying an inferior product. Due to technology, manufacturers have come a long way in
creating great transmissions. Every part placed in the transmission is inspected and tested to ensure
that the transmission will ultimately work like it is supposed to. In fact, many refurbished
transmissions will often go through more rigorous testing and inspections than newer models. This
extra precaution helps ensure you are getting a great product for your Dodge Durango.