If you have ever had to have transmission work done before, you know how important it is to make sure that the mechanic is not only qualified, but has worked on transmissions before. Your vehicle’s transmission is like its lifeline and if you do not take proper care of it, your vehicle will not move forward and you will be stuck in one place.
When it comes to transmission repairs and rebuilding, you may feel like you are in the dark and this is a normal feeling that many car owners experience. It often seems like transmission repairs are some underground scheme to play with the transmission and then return it to you with a large bill attached to it.
Even though many mechanics will hide what they are doing, Twin Charlotte does not. One of the first things that makes us different when it comes to transmission repair and rebuilding is that it is not some top secret operation that we perform under our shop. We are very transparent about every step throughout the process. For instance, when you bring your vehicle into us, we will run a diagnostic check on it and let you know what exactly is wrong with it. There is no “it’s just a transmission problem.” You will learn more about your car than you probably needed or wanted to know when you work with us.
Transmission repairs and rebuilding services are extensive and they take time. Not only that, it takes an experienced person to work on them because there are so many small parts that cannot be tampered with or done incorrectly.
No matter the type of repairs we are performing on your vehicle, we welcome you to call into our office to learn more about what is going on, the stage or process it is in, and what we recommend. When our mechanics find a piece of your vehicle that needs repair or a part that is broken, they will call you to come into the shop to visually inspect your vehicle and the piece. Not many shops, if any throughout Charlotte, NC, do this. Twin Charlotte believes in doing this because it helps our clients see why the repair, rebuild, or replacement was needed.
If you are interested in a transmission repair or rebuild, you should give Twin Charlotte a call today. We look forward to seeing you in our shop and being 100 percent transparent about your transmission and vehicle’s repairs.